Update-Version for older Fleet/Truck Navigator-versions on CTFPND-1 (V1,V2,V3) and CTFPND-2. Please let us know which model you have in the order comment field.
New in Version 10.5 (26.10.2018):
- Map data 2018.2N
New in Version 10.0 (21.11.2017):
- Bugfixes
- Map data 2017.2N
New in Version 9.0 (16.11.2015):
- Truck tolls for country roads in Germany
- Bugfixes
- Map data 2015.2N
New in Version 8.5 (16.10.2014):
- Truck Parking POIs
- Improved, smarter truck delivery routing
- GLONASS-GPS-support
- Economic avoidance of toll for Germany and Austria
- Map data 2014.2N
New in Version 8.0 (25.11.2013):
- display of ecotaxe and toll on the road.
- avoidance of ecotaxe.
- ecotaxe infopoints and toll stations
- route planning with approximate stop-off points improved (fuzzy via)
- Map data 2013.2N
New in Version 7.5 (30.10.2012):
- truck-resident restrictions can be optionally included in navigation.
- PTV Navigator truck is able to recognise when the destination and start addresses are located in areas of blocked access, e. g. pedestrian zones or factory grounds.
- in this situation, routing to the destination has been further optimised.
- cost-saving potential with the ”avoid toll“ setting
- due to the intelligent self- learning mode (ETA), time is calcula-ted on the basis of individual driving behaviour, resulting in a more accu-rate calculation of the time of arrival.
- route planning with approxi-mate stop-off points (fuzzy via)
- announcement of navigation instructions in off-road mode
- announcement of texts with Text2Speech
- display of other vehicles (bud-dies) with geofencing alerts
- only a few tags are sufficient to influence the routes.
- Map data 2012.2N
New in Version 7.0 (21.11.2011):
- Improved graphical design
- Faster address-search
- Map data 2011.2N
New in Version 6.5 (13.03.2011):
- ADR restriction codes for tunnels
- Display of low-emission zones
- Display of roll-on/roll-off termainals and RoLa terminals
- Transfer of off-road routed possible (Guided Navigation)
- Improved routing performance
- Map data Q2/2010
New in Version 6.0 (26.07.2010):
- Numbered motorway exits
- Realistic motorway signs and junction views
- Revised navigation interface
- Show other vehicles (buddies) via interface
- Map data Q4/2009
New in Version 5.5 SP2 (06.12.2009):
- Map data Q2/2009
New in Version 5.5 (11.10.2009):
- Radar warner (More than 16.000 stationated radars in Europe. 1 year free updates included)
- TTS (Text-to-Speech) Engine
- Coordinate-input
- Global search for POIs
- Speeding warner for trucks
- Turnover manoveurs can be avoided on constructional not seperated roads on a higher level
- Guided Navigation (Import complete routes from eg. Map&Guide Professional)
- Road Editor (Truck attributes can be edited on the map with Map&Guide Professional 2009 or calculate 2009)
New with version 5.2 (25.02.2009):
- Map data Q2/2008
- Windows Vista support
- PayTMC support (on request. Project based)
- 18 languages
New with version 5 (03.10.2008):
- The vehicle profile can be changed at any time. So the navigation does recognize the right restrictions for the actual conditions (eg. full loaded drive and not loaded drive).
- You can get warnings when driving into danger zones like extreme curves, tree overhangs, pitches, etc..
- Driver can decide how much he wants to avoid side roads and city throughpassing.
- Turnover manoveurs are avoided on constructional not seperated roads.
- Navigation recognizes when starting point and end point are in restricted areas.
- Speed warning in many countries.
- Automatic smart zoom for optimal map information when approaching manoveur points.
- Direction display of highway signs
- Automatic change of day- and night-view possible
- Improved and updated maps
Included maps :
- Europe (see data sheet for coverage)
Scope of Supply :
- PTV TruckNavigator SD-card (includes program and all maps)
Note : For approval of getting this update, please send us a copy of your invoice (only neccessary for non-CarTFT.com purchasers) and let us know your former licence key(s).
Contact : sales@cartft.com or fax +49 7121 3878265 (please mark the shop order number)
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Customer ratings:

Average rating, based on 1 ratings
Enttäuschend!! Nach meinem Lob beim damaligen Kauf des TruckNavigator 6.0 kommt jetzt die Ernüchterung.
Schon bei 6.0 lief vieles nicht optimal
- häufige Neustarts (min. 4x wöchendlich)
- Gespeicherte Touren bei Neustart gelöscht
- TMC wird häufig nicht erkannt (Antenne liegt unverdeckt an Windschutzscheibe) USB ziehen und wieder einstecken
- Bedienung über Bildschirm träge
- etc.
Nun die Hoffnung auf 7.0
Doch Fehlanzeige:
+ o.k. die Straßen wurden aktualisiert
+ die Bedienung geht etwas flüssiger
+ das Design wurde verbessert
- in der 3D Ansicht sind jetzt die Truckattribute (Durchfahrtshöhen, Gewichtsbeschränkungen, etc.) NICHT mehr sichtbar !? es muss umgeschaltet werden in 2D kleinste Ansicht. So ist eine Orientierung bei plötzlich auftretenden Einschränkungen natürlich denkbar schwer.
- die Stimme bei TTS hakt. O.K. liegt vermutlich an der Leisteung des PND
- ......
Alles in Allem zu teuer für ein Update. Schade